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  1. Top | #13

    Sep 2011
    Thanked: 15
    Peter Harremoes 3 2011 Is zero natural number

  2. Top | #14

    Sep 2011
    Thanked: 15
    Date: 12/10/97 at 19:14:39
    From: Joanna Greeno
    Subject: Numbers
    How do integers and whole numbers, rational numbers, transcendental
    numbers, and counting numbers relate to each other?
    Date: 12/10/97 at 21:41:50
    From: Doctor Luis
    Subject: Re: Numbers
    First of all, there are the natural numbers. These are the most
    fundamental of all and they are sometimes referred as counting numbers
    Natural Numbers 1,2,3,4,5,....
    Here, the dots are taken to signify that the list goes on forever.
    They give us a basic and primitive notion of infinity. That is why the
    set of natural numbers is so essential to mathematics.
    Although you cannot literally "count" how many natural numbers there
    are, mathematicians have given a name to this "infinitely" large
    number that represents how many natural numbers there are. It is
    usually called "aleph nought" (aleph is the Hebrew letter "A"). Now,
    this is a different kind of number from what we are used to, and you
    can use it to define the cardinal numbers, which in a way let us speak
    about various degrees of infinities. For example, there are more real
    numbers than natural numbers, and more irrational numbers than
    rational numbers.
    Anyway, we now have the natural numbers.
    If you add zero to your list then you have the whole numbers,
    Whole numbers 0,1,2,3,....
    The number zero has an interesting history. The ancient Mayans were
    the first to introduce the concept of zero as a number, centuries ago.
    Why did we have to introduce a symbol to denote "nothing" or a "zero
    quantity" of something? The reason for this is apparent when you start
    considering numbers that are too large for us to represent by a single
    What are some ways to represent numbers? Well, we can start naming
    them; that is, representing each number by a symbol (they would all
    have to be different). Eventually, we would run out of symbols, or the
    list of symbols would be too large for us to remember (imagine trying
    to multiply numbers - you'd have to remember ALL the symbols for every
    number and memorize an INFINITELY long multiplication table.)
    Is there any way around this problem? Fortunately, there is a very
    clever way to represent numbers that solves most of our problems. It
    is called place value notation.
    In place value notation, you assign a value to each symbol according
    to where it is in the number representation (its place). (The value
    you assign is related to the base of your number system.)
    Example: 123 (base 10)
    In the example, the symbol 3 is worth 3 units BUT the 2 is worth 2*10
    units, and the 1 is worth 1*100 units.
    This allows us to represent more numbers with a shorter list of
    symbols. However, in order to represent the entire set of natural
    numbers in place value notation you NEED the number zero (that way you
    can say that you DON'T have any units of 100, for example, in the
    number 1025).
    This completes our representation of the natural numbers very nicely,
    AND it gives us a cool new number to work with. Okay. We have the
    natural numbers and the whole numbers.
    To get the integers, just add all the negative numbers to your list!
    Integers ...,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,....
    The dots before the -3 mean that the list continues FROM NEGATIVE
    infinity, so that if you go back all the way, you'll see all of the
    negative numbers.
    Note: for obvious reasons, the natural numbers are often called
    positive integers; and the whole numbers are also often
    called nonnegative integers.
    So far, our use of number has been restricted to mean integers.
    However, you can define different kinds of numbers as well
    Now, the rational numbers are simply defined as ratios of integers.
    1/2 is a rational number. 2/3 is also a rational number. Note that all
    of the integers are rational numbers, because you can think of them as
    the ratio of themselves to 1, as in 2 = 2/1 which is certainly the
    ratio of two integers, and so 2 is a rational number.
    The story of the rational numbers is also interesting. Ancient Greek
    mathematicians were very fond of rational numbers. In fact, when they
    discovered that there were other numbers which were not rational, they
    swore that "terrible" discovery to secrecy.
    The square root of 2 is a classic example of an irrational number: you
    cannot write it as the ratio of ANY two integers. Here's the square
    root of 2 to a few decimal places (it continues forever, and there is
    no pattern!):
    sqrt(2) = 1.414213562373095048801688724209698078570
    To understand transcendental numbers, you also need to understand
    another type of numbers called algebraic numbers.
    A number is called algebraic if it is the root of a polynomial (of any
    degree) with rational coefficients. Any number that is not algebraic
    is called transcendental.
    2 and 2/3 are algebraic (they are also rational) because they are the
    roots of the rational polynomial 3x^2 - 8x + 4 (it is rational because
    the coefficients are rational numbers)
    3x^2 - 8x + 4 = 0
    or (3x - 2)(x - 2) = 0 so x = 2 or 2/3
    Note that the square root of 2 is also algebraic (it is also
    irrational) because it is a solution of the rational polynomial
    x^2 - 2 = 0
    A classic example of an transcendental number (that is, not algebraic)
    is the number pi (shown here to an accuracy of a thousand decimal
    digits) It goes on forever, just as the square root of 2.
    3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 10582097494459230781
    64062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066 47093844609550582231
    72535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294 89549303819644288109
    75665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566 92346034861045432664
    82133936072602491412737245870066063155881748815209 20962829254091715364
    36789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160 94330572703657595919
    53092186117381932611793105118548074462379962749567 35188575272489122793
    81830119491298336733624406566430860213949463952247 37190702179860943702
    77053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056812 71452635608277857713
    42757789609173637178721468440901224953430146549585 37105079227968925892
    35420199561121290219608640344181598136297747713099 60518707211349999998
    37297804995105973173281609631859502445945534690830 26425223082533446850
    35261931188171010003137838752886587533208381420617 17766914730359825349
    04287554687311595628638823537875937519577818577805 32171226806613001927
    It turns out that pi is also irrational (you cannot write it as the
    ratio of two integers).
    It is impossible to cover all possible aspects of these numbers in a
    single page, so I have kept their description at a bare minimum. If
    you are interested and want to find out more, you can find a lot of
    information in any good history of mathematics book.
    If you have any questions, feel free to reply.
    -Doctor Luis, The Math Forum
    Check out our web site! http://mathforum.org/dr.math/

  3. Top | #15

    Mar 2011
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  4. Top | #16

    Aug 2011
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  5. Top | #17

    Jul 2011
    Thanked: 42
    ( 1858 - 1932 ) :
    1 : .
    2: +
    3: .
    4: + =+ =
    5: :
    0 + = .

  6. Top | #18

    Dec 2011
    Junior Member
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    1- 1+

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